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Hours: 7646.90

Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours Status
Cognogent 02/07/2024 Shanmukha M Development Bug #694: DevOps Analysis CI/CD Given the support for CICD Deployment 1.00 In Progress Actions
CYECOM 02/07/2024 Vidya Bollineni Testing Bug #947: No internet-image testing No internet-image testing 3.00 Closed Actions
Cognogent 02/07/2024 Shanmukha M Development Support #794: DevOps & Cloud Support DevOps Meeting 2.00 In Progress Actions
Cognogent 02/07/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #794: DevOps & Cloud Support DevOps Meeting 2.00 In Progress Actions
Happi - Store Transfer and Audit 02/07/2024 Aparna Kasi Development Bug #766: In stock transfer while scan another product -showing blank screen Conditions are checked with quantity raised and validated 3.00 Closed Actions
Cognogent 02/07/2024 Shanmukha M Management Support #692: Meetings with Customer Meeting 0.50 New Actions
PMJ 02/07/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Management Feature #710: Back up Node Set up Completed the Code & Database Backup Script related PPT. 2.00 Resolved Actions
PMJ 02/07/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Management Feature #710: Back up Node Set up Completed the code backup will uploading to AWS S3 Bucket & Created the Teams notifications for code successfully Uploaded or not. 3.00 Resolved Actions
Cognogent 02/07/2024 Pavan Kumar Maddala Development Feature #721: User Registered API Development - created post user registration and post user login in Auth0 Dashboard. 4.00 Resolved Actions
Cognogent 02/07/2024 Pavan Kumar Maddala Development Feature #721: User Registered API Development - created API for user registration to store user data ion hubspot. 3.00 Resolved Actions
CYECOM 02/07/2024 Aparna Kasi Development Bug #462: draft task update date fields need validation Functionality to update start and end date 3.00 Closed Actions
PMJ 02/07/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Management Feature #710: Back up Node Set up Working on Code Backup Script will uploading on AWS S3 Bucket. 1.00 Resolved Actions
Cognogent 02/07/2024 Ravi Nadipinti Management Support #692: Meetings with Customer General Meeting 1.00 New Actions
PMJ 02/07/2024 Hemanth Reddy Gangula Development Bug #652: Search field expansion to use cat, subc at keywords, and occasions be included in search fields. Created new module (py file) for the search function. 5.50 Resolved Actions
PMJ 02/07/2024 Hemanth Reddy Gangula Development Feature #715: required alternative Payment gateway -PHONEPE contacted the payment gateway provider for the required version of the product as per our requirements. 2.00 Resolved Actions
Cognogent 02/07/2024 Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy Design Feature #714: Chat page UI Development Working on user left side panel & create session component with hover effect. 3.00 In Progress Actions
Cognogent 02/07/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #693: Meetings with Customer Discussed for CICD pipelines & cloud deployments. 1.00 In Progress Actions
CYECOM 02/07/2024 Vamsi A Development Bug #744: modified sorting order in tasks, and search issues in users 2.00 Closed Actions
Happi - Store Transfer and Audit 02/07/2024 Vamsi A Development Bug #743: worked on whatsapp template in stock transfer 1.00 Resolved Actions
Happi - Store Transfer and Audit 02/07/2024 Vamsi A Development Feature #742: modified vendor from happi to ingram , by filtering data 2.00 Resolved Actions
Happi - Store Transfer and Audit 02/07/2024 Vamsi A Development Bug #637: Request stocks tab -All tab latest Raised stock should be shown at the top 2.00 Closed Actions
CYECOM 02/07/2024 Vamsi A Development Bug #729: approval tab- pending tasks need sorting order 1.00 Closed Actions
CYECOM 02/07/2024 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Bug #738: Profile update name special characters bug 3.00 Closed Actions
CYECOM 02/07/2024 Aparna Kasi Development Bug #728: In recurring tasks - If click the stat now on past tasks(Nov and Dec tasks) app is automatically closed Task with no task ID are updated 1.00 Closed Actions
US Orchestral 02/06/2024 Shanmukha M Development Bug #992: Connecting Backend API Backend API connected through localhost 3000 by using tunnel command. 3.00 In Progress Actions
CYECOM 02/06/2024 Vidya Bollineni Testing Bug #941: Bugs re-testing and change the bugs status Bugs re-testing and change the bugs status 2.00 Closed Actions
Happi - Store Transfer and Audit 02/06/2024 Aparna Kasi Development Bug #767: In raise stock request-not clear the previous select store data R & D On Library for select list and clearing states before navigation is done 3.00 Closed Actions
Cognogent 02/06/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Bug #694: DevOps Analysis CI/CD Completed the Docker Image Tag "Latest" will changed to Timestamp & It will pushed to ACR timestamp 2.00 In Progress Actions
Cognogent 02/06/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Bug #694: DevOps Analysis CI/CD Working on docker image tag will pushed with latest will changed to Timestamp Or Number count Or Version Updates. 2.00 In Progress Actions
PMJ 02/06/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Management Feature #710: Back up Node Set up Completed the Code Backup Script on Bash Shell Script. 2.00 Resolved Actions
PMJ 02/06/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Management Feature #710: Back up Node Set up Working the Code Backup Script for on Bash Shell 3.00 Resolved Actions
CYECOM 02/06/2024 Aparna Kasi Development Bug #730: main task assignees - by default same assignees are showing in the sub task also(while creating sub task) Updating sub task assignee when navigated to sub task 2.00 Closed Actions
CYECOM 02/06/2024 Aparna Kasi Development Bug #731: In reports Export CSV, tasks attachments are showing permission denied Feature to not download same attachment if it already exists 2.00 Closed Actions
PMJ 02/06/2024 Hemanth Reddy Gangula Development Bug #652: Search field expansion to use cat, subc at keywords, and occasions be included in search fields. Research on how to retrieve categories and sub-categories in PY files(Models) 3.00 Resolved Actions
PMJ 02/06/2024 Hemanth Reddy Gangula Development Bug #652: Search field expansion to use cat, subc at keywords, and occasions be included in search fields. Research on how to retrieve categories and sub-categories in JS files. 4.00 Resolved Actions
Cognogent 02/06/2024 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Feature #753: Profile setting page 1.00 Resolved Actions
CYECOM 02/06/2024 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Bug #602: Show title while hovering on the notification and announcement icon 3.00 Closed Actions
CYECOM 02/06/2024 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Feature #688: Environment Set Up-Web 1.00 Closed Actions
Cognogent 02/06/2024 Pavan Kumar Maddala Development Feature #721: User Registered API Development - Analyzed user registration with Auth0. 3.00 Resolved Actions
Cognogent 02/06/2024 Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy Design Feature #714: Chat page UI Development working on the user left side panel 3.00 In Progress Actions
Cognogent 02/05/2024 Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy Development Bug #981: Font sizes and font-family font color issue sin footer. 3.00 Resolved Actions
Happi - Sales Return 02/05/2024 Aparna Kasi Development Bug #848: UI issues on Previously bought items and list of item page in sale return Checkbox validations and no stock scenario is fixed 3.00 Closed Actions
Cognogent 02/05/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Bug #694: DevOps Analysis CI/CD Completed the latest docker image pushed to ACR with Image Tag latest. 2.00 In Progress Actions
Cognogent 02/05/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Bug #694: DevOps Analysis CI/CD Working on docker image pushed to ACR by using ACR User & Secret key. 3.00 In Progress Actions
Cognogent 02/05/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Bug #694: DevOps Analysis CI/CD Working on latest docker image will pushed to Azure Container Registry on GitLab CICD pipeline. 3.00 In Progress Actions
Happi - Sales Return 02/05/2024 Aparna Kasi Development Bug #848: UI issues on Previously bought items and list of item page in sale return Fixed Spacing and UI issues for better adaptability 3.00 Closed Actions
PMJ 02/05/2024 Hemanth Reddy Gangula Development Bug #652: Search field expansion to use cat, subc at keywords, and occasions be included in search fields. R&D on the categories and subcategories and their url paths 4.00 Resolved Actions
PMJ 02/05/2024 Hemanth Reddy Gangula Development Bug #652: Search field expansion to use cat, subc at keywords, and occasions be included in search fields. R&D on current search field. 2.00 Resolved Actions
PMJ 02/05/2024 Hemanth Reddy Gangula Development Bug #652: Search field expansion to use cat, subc at keywords, and occasions be included in search fields. Locating the files required to search filed in the code. 1.00 Resolved Actions
Cognogent 02/05/2024 Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy Development Feature #714: Chat page UI Development Local setup & Code checking 3.00 In Progress Actions
(2951-3000/3416) Per page: 50, 100

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