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Hours: 7589.40

Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours Status
CYECHAMP 02/26/2024 Pavan Kumar Maddala Development Feature #855: employee incentives reports -Build the query for employee incentives. 3.00 Resolved Actions
PMJ 02/24/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Management Feature #710: Back up Node Set up Meeting with client for Node Backup task. 1.00 Resolved Actions
CYECOM 02/23/2024 Aparna Kasi Development Bug #931: Not updating the due date-in task details page Due date query is changed and added 2.00 Closed Actions
Cognogent 02/23/2024 Ravi Nadipinti Development Bug #933: UI and functionality bugs raised by Chris and Giri Fixed all bugs raised by giri 3.00 Resolved Actions
Cognogent 02/23/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #693: Meetings with Customer General Meeting 1.00 In Progress Actions
Cognogent 02/23/2024 Ravi Nadipinti Development Bug #933: UI and functionality bugs raised by Chris and Giri fixed all UI bugs and session name updated bug in chat page 3.00 Resolved Actions
Cognogent 02/23/2024 Shanmukha M Management Support #692: Meetings with Customer meeting 0.50 New Actions
CYECHAMP 02/23/2024 Pavan Kumar Maddala Development Feature #875: purchase report - written code for sending short URL link to what's app. 1.00 Resolved Actions
CYECHAMP 02/23/2024 Pavan Kumar Maddala Development Feature #875: purchase report - written a code for generating short URL for files uploaded in AWS S3 bucket. 2.00 Resolved Actions
CYECHAMP 02/23/2024 Pavan Kumar Maddala Development Feature #875: purchase report - write a code for upload xlsx file into AWS S3 bucket 2.00 Resolved Actions
Happi - Store Transfer and Audit 02/23/2024 Aparna Kasi Development Feature #876: Adding Tab bars for Store and Corporate (admin) users. Kept Top tab bars for store and corporate users 3.00 Resolved Actions
PMJ 02/23/2024 Hemanth Reddy Gangula Development Feature #837: PMJ DB Backup Code to upload the Backup to S3 bucket and integrated with the download. 2.50 Resolved Actions
CYECHAMP 02/23/2024 Pavan Kumar Maddala Development Feature #875: purchase report - Converted purchase report json data into xlsx format. 2.00 Resolved Actions
CYECOM 02/23/2024 Aparna Kasi Development Bug #462: draft task update date fields need validation draft task limitations for start date to be greater than end date 3.00 Closed Actions
Happi - Store Transfer and Audit 02/22/2024 Aparna Kasi Development Bug #767: In raise stock request-not clear the previous select store data Response condition to API is changed and toast message are kept 2.00 Closed Actions
CYECOM 02/22/2024 Aparna Kasi Development Bug #730: main task assignees - by default same assignees are showing in the sub task also(while creating sub task) States are cleared to avoid replication of assignees 3.00 Closed Actions
PMJ 02/22/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Feature #710: Back up Node Set up R&D on server script of PMJ Server for Odoo server installation & restore script 3.00 Resolved Actions
PMJ 02/22/2024 Hemanth Reddy Gangula Development Feature #837: PMJ DB Backup Automated the DB backup download. 3.00 Resolved Actions
PMJ 02/22/2024 Hemanth Reddy Gangula Development Feature #837: PMJ DB Backup R&D on selenium-python for automation 1.50 Resolved Actions
US Orchestral 02/21/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Feature #991: Reverse Engineering Reversing Engineering 2.00 In Progress Actions
CYECOM 02/21/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Feature #799: Configure the promethus in Cyecom API Server R&D on PostgreSQL connecting to grafana 2.50 Resolved Actions
Cognogent 02/21/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #693: Meetings with Customer General Meeting 1.00 In Progress Actions
Cognogent 02/21/2024 Shanmukha M Management Support #692: Meetings with Customer meeting 0.50 New Actions
CYECOM 02/21/2024 Vidya Bollineni Testing Feature #782: Cyecom-Testing #851,#459,#731,#730 bugs re-testing and reopen the bugs 3.00 Closed Actions
Happi - Sales Return 02/21/2024 Vidya Bollineni Testing Feature #612: Sales Return App Testing Bugs raising and re-test the resolved bugs 3.00 In Progress Actions
CYECOM 02/21/2024 Aparna Kasi Development Bug #732: First showing "no data found " and then showing tasks Ternary operator conditions are changed 3.00 Closed Actions
CYECOM 02/21/2024 Aparna Kasi Development Bug #459: Signup -back arrow is not visible Text Color is given for dark mode usage 2.00 Closed Actions
Happi - Store Transfer and Audit 02/21/2024 Vidya Bollineni Testing Feature #486: Store Transfer - Testing #15/2/2024 bugs re-testing(766,767) and testing #14/2/2024 build testing #13/2/2024 (Happi stockTransfer.apk)build testing #12/2/2024 bugs raising(766,767) and testing #8/2/2024 (app-debug 10.apk) build testing 1.50 In Progress Actions
CYECOM 02/21/2024 Aparna Kasi Development Bug #460: In recurring task-select month and day search text is not visible and day wise search drop down covered by keypad Changed text color for search bar in dark mode 3.00 Closed Actions
Cognogent 02/21/2024 Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy Development Bug #824: In mobile view-UI issues home page overlayer mobile issue, footer social media icons alignments in mobile ,company page joinus section issue 1.50 Resolved Actions
Cognogent 02/21/2024 Vidya Bollineni Testing Feature #816: Cognogent-testing and bug raising bugs raising and reopen the bugs 0.50 In Progress Actions
PMJ 02/21/2024 Hemanth Reddy Gangula Development Feature #837: PMJ DB Backup done R&D on Odoo database backup and restore 2.00 Resolved Actions
Happi - Sales Return 02/20/2024 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Bug #830: product list page-need to show only Accessories 0.50 Closed Actions
Cognogent 02/20/2024 Ravi Nadipinti Development Feature #929: To make whole app SEO friendly R&D to make SEO 3.00 New Actions
CYECOM 02/20/2024 Aparna Kasi Development Bug #732: First showing "no data found " and then showing tasks Set timer for loading and API response lag is fixed 3.00 Closed Actions
Happi - Store Transfer and Audit 02/20/2024 Aparna Kasi Development Feature #876: Adding Tab bars for Store and Corporate (admin) users. Hiding Corporate and ASM tab for normal users 3.00 Resolved Actions
Happi - Store Transfer and Audit 02/20/2024 Hemanth Reddy Gangula Development Feature #847: Automation of APX for entering IMEI numbers. Made the flow of the clicks in the code. 2.50 In Progress Actions
Happi - Sales Return 02/20/2024 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Bug #831: Exchange with different products page - select brand drop down-select brand(need to show respective brand items) 0.30 Closed Actions
Happi - Sales Return 02/20/2024 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Bug #830: product list page-need to show only Accessories 0.30 Closed Actions
US Orchestral 02/20/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #833: Technical Support for configuring the VPN & VNC in Local System. Keyboard is not working properly in TIger VNC 3.00 In Progress Actions
Happi - Sales Return 02/20/2024 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Bug #832: Item models list should show stock products only (no need to show 0 stock) 3.00 Closed Actions
US Orchestral 02/20/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #833: Technical Support for configuring the VPN & VNC in Local System. Try to Re-configure the VPN & VNC of our local system. 2.00 In Progress Actions
Happi - Sales Return 02/20/2024 Vidya Bollineni Testing Feature #612: Sales Return App Testing bugs raising and testing 3.00 In Progress Actions
Happi - Store Transfer and Audit 02/20/2024 Vamsi A Development Bug #829: Akshaya patra birthday messages issue 1.00 Resolved Actions
Happi - Store Transfer and Audit 02/20/2024 Vamsi A Development Feature #828: Fetch Store Wise Stock in Salereturn 2.00 Resolved Actions
Happi - Store Transfer and Audit 02/20/2024 Vamsi A Development Bug #743: worked on whatsapp template in stock transfer 1.00 Resolved Actions
CYECOM 02/20/2024 Aparna Kasi Development Bug #460: In recurring task-select month and day search text is not visible and day wise search drop down covered by keypad Made drop down container flexible when keypad is visible 3.00 Closed Actions
Happi - Store Transfer and Audit 02/19/2024 Aparna Kasi Development Bug #596: Delivery details page need scroll bar Delivery details page new modifications are implemented 3.00 Closed Actions
US Orchestral 02/19/2024 Shanmukha M Development Support #833: Technical Support for configuring the VPN & VNC in Local System. Given the support for configuring the VPN & VNC in local system 2.00 In Progress Actions
Cognogent 02/19/2024 Ravi Nadipinti Development Feature #929: To make whole app SEO friendly R&D in NextJs to make SEO Friendly. 3.00 New Actions
(2701-2750/3394) Per page: 50, 100

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