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Hours: 7589.40

Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours Status
Cognogent 03/07/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Bug #694: DevOps Analysis CI/CD R&D on Functionality & Scalability tools 2.00 In Progress Actions
PMJ 03/07/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Feature #710: Back up Node Set up Working on creating with server by terraform scritp. 2.00 Resolved Actions
Happi - Store Transfer and Audit 03/07/2024 Vidya Bollineni Testing Bug #1126: bugs are raising bugs are raising #1059,#1060 2.00 Closed Actions
CYECHAMP 03/07/2024 Pavan Kumar Maddala Development Support #1077: - csv upload to finance wise 3.00 Resolved Actions
CYECHAMP 03/07/2024 Pavan Kumar Maddala Development Support #1077: - csv upload to finance wise - created table and uploaded xlsx data to the table 3.00 Resolved Actions
CYECHAMP 03/07/2024 Pavan Kumar Maddala Development Support #1073: - upload xlsx for credit aging - created table and uploaded to table 3.00 Resolved Actions
PMJ 03/07/2024 Hemanth Reddy Gangula Development Bug #653: RTS & MTO Filters are required @ PLP Looked into RTS and MTO products. 1.50 Resolved Actions
PMJ 03/07/2024 Hemanth Reddy Gangula Development Bug #653: RTS & MTO Filters are required @ PLP R&D on existing filters in the website. 2.00 Resolved Actions
PMJ 03/07/2024 Hemanth Reddy Gangula Development Feature #1065: Clickpost Integration Meeting on clickpost. 0.45 Resolved Actions
Happi - Sales Return 03/07/2024 Aparna Kasi Development Bug #1060: Back button from sale return goes to home screen without tabs-store heading is missing internal testing 0.50 Closed Actions
Happi - Sales Return 03/07/2024 Aparna Kasi Development Bug #1060: Back button from sale return goes to home screen without tabs-store heading is missing navigation from iphone terminal, sale return, stock transfer is fixed 3.00 Closed Actions
Happi - Sales Return 03/07/2024 Aparna Kasi Development Bug #1059: Sale return --> on click blank screen issue internal testing 1.00 Closed Actions
Happi - Sales Return 03/07/2024 Aparna Kasi Development Bug #1059: Sale return --> on click blank screen issue Sale return name split app close issue is fixed 3.00 Closed Actions
PMJ 03/07/2024 Hemanth Reddy Gangula Development Bug #1057: Add limit to number of qty to add in cart. Added limit in cart page to 5 (on clicking + button) 1.00 Resolved Actions
PMJ 03/07/2024 Hemanth Reddy Gangula Development Bug #1057: Add limit to number of qty to add in cart. Resolved the Issue by redirecting to cart page 1.30 Resolved Actions
Cognogent 03/06/2024 Shanmukha M Development Support #693: Meetings with Customer General Meeting 1.00 In Progress Actions
Cognogent 03/06/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #693: Meetings with Customer General Meeting 1.00 In Progress Actions
Happi - Purchase Reports 03/06/2024 Vamsi Krishna Development Bug #1215: ISBS to be added in closing Stock 3.00 Closed Actions
Cognogent 03/06/2024 Ravi Nadipinti Management Support #692: Meetings with Customer 1.00 New Actions
Cognogent 03/06/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Bug #694: DevOps Analysis CI/CD R&D on Functionality & Scalability Tools 1.00 In Progress Actions
Cognogent 03/06/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #794: DevOps & Cloud Support General Meeting 1.00 In Progress Actions
Happi - Sales Return 03/06/2024 Vidya Bollineni Testing Bug #1127: Testing and bugs are raising testing and #1062,#1060,#1059 2.00 Closed Actions
Happi - Store Transfer and Audit 03/06/2024 Aparna Kasi Development Bug #1067: Stock transfer-if remove the scan ime and click the proceed button screen is loading (not showing the error message) error message for no imei data is fixed 3.00 Closed Actions
PMJ 03/06/2024 Hemanth Reddy Gangula Development Feature #1056: Add a remarks column in the backend to track any notes. Making only Remarks column editable. 1.00 Resolved Actions
PMJ 03/06/2024 Hemanth Reddy Gangula Development Feature #1056: Add a remarks column in the backend to track any notes. Adding the "Remarks" column to Orders page. 1.20 Resolved Actions
PMJ 03/06/2024 Hemanth Reddy Gangula Development Feature #1056: Add a remarks column in the backend to track any notes. Research about the form and the inherited forms. 3.00 Resolved Actions
PMJ 03/06/2024 Hemanth Reddy Gangula Development Bug #1061: change the karigar video in aboutus page changed the karigar.mp3 in aboutus page and adjusted css. 1.30 Resolved Actions
CYECHAMP 03/06/2024 Pavan Kumar Maddala Testing Support #1058: - upgraded from old database to new database. - Test API's with new database. 1.00 Resolved Actions
CYECHAMP 03/06/2024 Pavan Kumar Maddala Development Support #1058: - upgraded from old database to new database. - changed multiple files for mis reports new databse. 2.00 Resolved Actions
US Orchestral 03/05/2024 Shanmukha M Development Support #833: Technical Support for configuring the VPN & VNC in Local System. Given the support to fix the issue Tiger VNC. 1.00 In Progress Actions
US Orchestral 03/05/2024 Shanmukha M Development Bug #992: Connecting Backend API We are find out the issue st2auth API port is not working. 1.00 In Progress Actions
Cognogent 03/05/2024 Shanmukha M Development Bug #995: Subscribe button -The link is invalid. Analyzing on the issue of Subscribe button 0.50 Resolved Actions
Cognogent 03/05/2024 Shanmukha M Development Bug #996: Navigation bar-When navigating, the navigation bar is not visible in the back or forward scenes. Analyzing on the issue of Navigation bar 0.50 Resolved Actions
Cognogent 03/05/2024 Shanmukha M Development Bug #997: sign out-After clicking on Sign out in the profile, the page navigates to the homepage, and the user is not signed out. Analyze on the sing out issue 0.20 Resolved Actions
Cognogent 03/05/2024 Ravi Nadipinti Development Bug #806: if click bottom footer powered by -showing 404 error removed event on text 0.20 Closed Actions
Cognogent 03/05/2024 Ravi Nadipinti Development Bug #811: Refresh issue-when refresh the page not navigate properly fixed navigation issue 0.50 Resolved Actions
Cognogent 03/05/2024 Ravi Nadipinti Development Bug #995: Subscribe button -The link is invalid. fixed this issue 1.00 Resolved Actions
Cognogent 03/05/2024 Ravi Nadipinti Development Bug #996: Navigation bar-When navigating, the navigation bar is not visible in the back or forward scenes. fixed hearder navbar issue 1.00 Resolved Actions
Cognogent 03/05/2024 Ravi Nadipinti Development Bug #997: sign out-After clicking on Sign out in the profile, the page navigates to the homepage, and the user is not signed out. fixed signout bug in profile page 0.50 Resolved Actions
Happi - Store Transfer and Audit 03/05/2024 Aparna Kasi Development Bug #1069: Stock transfer-No internet image is not showing Internet netinfo is fixed 3.00 Closed Actions
Happi - Store Transfer and Audit 03/05/2024 Aparna Kasi Development Bug #1066: Store transfer-if scan the invalid "ime" number( requested stocks and received request tabs) are not showing navigated to the stock request page 3.00 Closed Actions
PMJ 03/05/2024 Hemanth Reddy Gangula Development Feature #1065: Clickpost Integration Reading the documentation of clickpost in odoo store 2.50 Resolved Actions
PMJ 03/05/2024 Hemanth Reddy Gangula Development Feature #1065: Clickpost Integration R&D on clickpost functionalities 2.50 Resolved Actions
CYECHAMP 03/05/2024 Venkatesh Bandi Development Feature #999: Branch targets CSV View & Upload Modified iframe links in react code 0.30 Resolved Actions
CYECHAMP 03/05/2024 Venkatesh Bandi Development Feature #999: Branch targets CSV View & Upload Modified tables with search and filter.(Changed total component) 3.00 Resolved Actions
CYECHAMP 03/05/2024 Pavan Kumar Maddala Testing Feature #1052: - development of upload API for quantity targets. - tested upload and download api. 1.00 Resolved Actions
CYECHAMP 03/05/2024 Pavan Kumar Maddala Development Feature #1052: - development of upload API for quantity targets. - Logic for update two table data 3.00 Resolved Actions
US Orchestral 03/04/2024 Shanmukha M Development Bug #992: Connecting Backend API Working on the of st2auth API to login issue. 1.00 In Progress Actions
Happi - Purchase Reports 03/04/2024 Vamsi Krishna Development Bug #1215: ISBS to be added in closing Stock 3.00 Closed Actions
PMJ 03/04/2024 Hemanth Reddy Gangula Development Feature #1046: Add Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, Microsoft Clarity, Hotjobs Testing of the analytics 1.00 Resolved Actions
(2551-2600/3394) Per page: 50, 100

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