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# Tracker Subject Assignee Status Start date Due date Spent time Updated Priority
2666 Feature show status, error, result, and output in a cards with expand button in operations page and Invetory page as well Ravi Nadipinti New 01/29/2025 01/29/2025 7.00 01/30/2025 05:22 PM Normal Actions
2665 Feature Integrate Register GET API in operations Ravi Nadipinti New 01/29/2025 01/29/2025 3.00 01/30/2025 05:20 PM Normal Actions
2664 Bug integrate getDetailsforOperation API and display display action configuration in the right panel of operations page Ravi Nadipinti New 01/30/2025 01/30/2025 5.00 01/30/2025 05:15 PM Normal Actions
2649 Bug show error, result, and output in a cards with expand button in inventory page Ravi Nadipinti New 01/24/2025 01/27/2025 3.25 01/27/2025 04:04 PM Normal Actions
2648 Bug Integrate Register GET API Ravi Nadipinti New 01/24/2025 01/28/2025 3.25 01/27/2025 04:02 PM Normal Actions
2647 Bug Fix merge conflicts Ravi Nadipinti New 01/22/2025 01/23/2025 9.00 01/27/2025 04:00 PM Normal Actions
2646 Bug Add one more input field called Device Name for register in inventory page and Test it Ravi Nadipinti New 01/22/2025 01/22/2025 2.50 01/27/2025 03:58 PM Normal Actions
2645 Bug To fix scroll in actions page Ravi Nadipinti New 01/22/2025 01/22/2025 2.75 01/27/2025 03:57 PM Normal Actions
2622 Bug add search option in inventory page Ravi Nadipinti New 01/21/2025 01/21/2025 4.75 01/21/2025 12:34 PM Normal Actions
2621 Bug Get the credentialGroupName.yaml file and use credentialGroupName array for dropdown list for register in Inventory page Ravi Nadipinti New 01/05/2025 01/15/2025 5.75 01/20/2025 05:27 PM Normal Actions
2620 Bug replace Licence file instead of calling API to get licence key Ravi Nadipinti New 01/05/2025 01/15/2025 6.50 01/20/2025 05:23 PM Normal Actions
2619 Bug UI changes and modification of Register API in Inventory page Ravi Nadipinti New 01/06/2025 01/20/2025 11.00 01/20/2025 05:15 PM Normal Actions
2618 Bug add search option in inventory page Ravi Nadipinti New 01/17/2025 01/17/2025 8.00 01/20/2025 04:59 PM Normal Actions
2617 Bug Fix build issues Ravi Nadipinti New 01/01/2025 01/25/2025 13.00 01/20/2025 04:51 PM Normal Actions
2503 Bug unable to merge code due to node modules errors Ravi Nadipinti New 12/03/2024 17.00 12/04/2024 10:24 AM Normal Actions
2471 Bug Debug Composer value in About page and update proper value Ravi Nadipinti New 11/19/2024 11/22/2024 2.00 11/19/2024 05:27 PM Normal Actions
2470 Bug Pass authToken dynamically for licence API Ravi Nadipinti New 11/19/2024 11/22/2024 30.25 11/19/2024 05:24 PM Normal Actions
2440 Feature Configure React Build of NetOps Dashboard in Nginx Manikanta Gupta M V New 10/29/2024 21.50 11/10/2024 07:48 PM Normal Actions
2421 Support Research on microservices Ravi Nadipinti New 10/23/2024 10/31/2024 18.00 10/29/2024 11:12 AM Normal Actions
2400 Feature Integrate vis-network library in a new React application and merge with existing orchestral app Ravi Nadipinti New 10/23/2024 10/31/2024 54.00 10/24/2024 02:52 PM Normal Actions
2393 Bug vis-network library not compatible with orchestral app Ravi Nadipinti New 10/18/2024 10/31/2024 16.00 10/23/2024 10:57 AM Normal Actions
2391 Bug Integrate BGP dashboard by using vis-network library Ravi Nadipinti New 10/17/2024 10/31/2024 8.00 10/23/2024 10:39 AM Normal Actions
2389 Feature To create a BGP and MPLS dashboard pages Ravi Nadipinti New 10/17/2024 10/31/2024 8.00 10/23/2024 10:33 AM Normal Actions
2380 Feature To create a dashboard page design for an orchestral application using React, specifically targeting versions 16 and 17. Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy New 10/16/2024 10/18/2024 2.00 10/17/2024 02:22 PM Normal Actions
2368 Feature Figma Design Changes Issues related to recent updates based on client review. Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy New 10/07/2024 10/07/2024 5.00 10/09/2024 01:49 PM Normal Actions
2367 Bug Figma Design Changes Issues related to recent updates based on client review. Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy New 10/07/2024 10/07/2024 5.00 10/09/2024 10:33 AM Normal Actions
2359 Bug Figma for dashboard Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy New 09/30/2024 5.00 09/30/2024 12:43 PM Normal Actions
2337 Bug NetOps UI Table Responsiveness and Alignment Issues on Medium and Right Screens Feel free to adjust it if needed! Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy New 09/18/2024 4.00 09/27/2024 05:34 PM Normal Actions
2335 Feature Implement network UI Library in codesandbox Ravi Nadipinti New 09/18/2024 09/24/2024 20.00 09/27/2024 05:17 PM Normal Actions
2334 Feature Research for Network UI libraries Ravi Nadipinti Resolved 09/17/2024 09/24/2024 16.00 09/27/2024 05:16 PM Normal Actions
2284 Bug Net Ops: Inventory Page changes Ravi Nadipinti New 09/18/2024 09/18/2024 4.00 09/18/2024 11:23 AM Normal Actions
2283 Feature Net Ops: Inventory and operations Screen should be same, Reduce the Bar Width, fix the Scroll issue Ravi Nadipinti Resolved 09/17/2024 7.00 09/27/2024 05:00 PM Normal Actions
2282 Feature Net OPs: NGINX Configuration Manikanta Gupta M V New 09/17/2024 0.00 09/23/2024 11:28 AM Normal Actions
2279 Feature Changes in NGINX Manikanta Gupta M V New 09/13/2024 7.00 09/13/2024 11:23 AM Normal Actions
2278 Feature change the 2nd line to capabilities and 3rd line to license Ravi Nadipinti Resolved 09/13/2024 3.00 09/13/2024 05:20 PM Normal Actions
2277 Feature Orchestral Sec Ops - Client Meetings Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy In Progress 09/02/2024 12.67 09/23/2024 11:36 AM Normal Actions
2276 Feature Orchestral Sec Ops - Client Meetings Manikanta Gupta M V In Progress 09/02/2024 8.00 09/23/2024 11:39 AM Normal Actions
2275 Feature Orchestral Sec Ops - Client Meetings Naveen Bandari New 09/02/2024 0.00 09/23/2024 11:40 AM Normal Actions
2274 Feature Orchestral Sec Ops - Client Meetings Project Managar New 09/12/2024 0.00 09/23/2024 11:40 AM Normal Actions
2273 Feature Orchestral Sec Ops - Client Meetings Ravi Nadipinti In Progress 09/02/2024 8.70 09/23/2024 11:40 AM Normal Actions
2272 Feature Orchestral Sec Ops - Client Meetings Sangeetha K In Progress 09/02/2024 13.00 09/23/2024 11:40 AM Normal Actions
2271 Feature Orchestral Sec Ops - Client Meetings Shanmukha M In Progress 09/02/2024 10.00 09/23/2024 11:41 AM Normal Actions
2270 Feature UI Design for Sec App Naveen Bandari New 09/12/2024 0.00 09/23/2024 11:41 AM Normal Actions
2269 Feature UI Design for Sec App Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy In Progress 09/12/2024 0.00 09/23/2024 11:41 AM Normal Actions
2268 Support Client Meetings Sangeetha K New 09/12/2024 2.08 09/12/2024 11:04 AM Normal Actions
2267 Support Client Meetings Ravi Nadipinti New 09/12/2024 11.00 09/12/2024 11:04 AM Normal Actions
2266 Support Client Meetings Naveen Bandari New 09/12/2024 0.00 09/12/2024 11:04 AM Normal Actions
2265 Support Client Meetings Manikanta Gupta M V New 09/12/2024 17.50 09/12/2024 11:04 AM Normal Actions
2264 Support Client Meetings Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy New 09/02/2024 0.00 09/12/2024 11:03 AM Normal Actions
2263 Support Client Meetings Shanmukha M New 09/02/2024 9.00 09/12/2024 11:03 AM Normal Actions
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