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Hours: 20.00

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours Status
09/23/2024 Ravi Nadipinti Development Feature #2335: Implement network UI Library in codesandbox researched and implemented onclick events on connection lines between router and switch 4.00 New Actions
09/23/2024 Ravi Nadipinti Development Feature #2335: Implement network UI Library in codesandbox implemented vis-network library in code sandbox with multiple routers and switches to give demo 4.00 New Actions
09/20/2024 Ravi Nadipinti Development Feature #2335: Implement network UI Library in codesandbox researched and developed to add multiple colours to connections 4.00 New Actions
09/20/2024 Ravi Nadipinti Development Feature #2335: Implement network UI Library in codesandbox developed screen from switch to router with multiple connections 4.00 New Actions
09/18/2024 Ravi Nadipinti Development Feature #2335: Implement network UI Library in codesandbox developed network screen by using vis-network library 4.00 New Actions

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