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Hours: 56.00

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours Status
04/25/2024 Shanmukha M Development Feature #1243: Api Integration for file upload Given the support on API Integration on file upload. 1.00 New Actions
04/25/2024 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Feature #1243: Api Integration for file upload dropdown functionality in upload files and created callback function 3.00 New Actions
04/19/2024 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Feature #1243: Api Integration for file upload added loader in recent tabs while getting recent files 2.00 New Actions
04/19/2024 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Feature #1243: Api Integration for file upload added drop down in recent tabs and initialyy send HRR db name for getting recent files 3.00 New Actions
04/19/2024 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Feature #1243: Api Integration for file upload Added drop downdata in upload files as per data base 3.00 New Actions
04/08/2024 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Feature #1243: Api Integration for file upload File upload integration 4.00 New Actions
03/30/2024 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Feature #1243: Api Integration for file upload file upload by using drag and drop functioanlity for not allowing to drag folders 4.00 New Actions
03/30/2024 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Feature #1243: Api Integration for file upload functionality for deleting uploaded files new uploads tab 4.00 New Actions
03/29/2024 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Feature #1243: Api Integration for file upload Functioanlity for recently uploaded file delete 4.00 New Actions
03/29/2024 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Feature #1243: Api Integration for file upload Fuctioanlity for recently uploaded files downlaod 4.00 New Actions
03/28/2024 Ravi Nadipinti Development Feature #1243: Api Integration for file upload worked on recent tab to show all the uploaded files 4.00 New Actions
03/28/2024 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Feature #1243: Api Integration for file upload functionality for recent upload files tabs 4.00 New Actions
03/28/2024 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Feature #1243: Api Integration for file upload drag and drop file upload integrtaion 4.00 New Actions
03/27/2024 Shanmukha M Development Feature #1243: Api Integration for file upload Support to develop the file upload with API Integration 1.00 New Actions
03/27/2024 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Feature #1243: Api Integration for file upload file upload integrated api 2.00 New Actions
03/27/2024 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Feature #1243: Api Integration for file upload code review for file upload functionality 3.00 New Actions
03/26/2024 Shanmukha M Development Feature #1243: Api Integration for file upload Guide to develop the file upload with API Intergration 1.00 New Actions
03/25/2024 Shanmukha M Development Feature #1243: Api Integration for file upload Analyzing the feature of API Integration code. 1.00 New Actions
03/25/2024 Ravi Nadipinti Development Feature #1243: Api Integration for file upload functionality and code explanation 4.00 New Actions

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