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# Project Tracker Subject Assignee Status Start date Due date Spent time Updated Priority
659 CYECHAMP Feature Screen1: My Stock Naveen Bandari New 01/23/2024 0.00 01/23/2024 06:41 AM Normal Actions
657 PMJ Bug Home page - Remove ellipse animation Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 01/18/2024 01/19/2024 3.00 02/02/2024 09:50 AM Normal Actions
656 PMJ Bug Icons are to be replaced for Mobile versions/desktop Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 01/18/2024 01/30/2024 3.00 01/31/2024 06:59 AM Normal Actions
655 PMJ Bug save popup message required to be shared the Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 01/18/2024 02/05/2024 10.00 02/06/2024 11:19 AM Normal Actions
654 PMJ Bug Editable(Type) option- price filter Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 01/18/2024 13.90 03/26/2024 04:11 AM Normal Actions
653 PMJ Bug RTS & MTO Filters are required @ PLP Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 01/18/2024 13.00 09/25/2024 09:33 PM Normal Actions
652 PMJ Bug Search field expansion to use cat, subc at keywords, and occasions be included in search fields. Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 01/18/2024 02/15/2024 22.50 02/15/2024 09:44 AM Normal Actions
651 PMJ Bug Home page banners- 1st banner required 3 slide Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 01/18/2024 01/20/2024 6.00 02/02/2024 09:53 AM Normal Actions
650 PMJ Bug All images & content access required @ frontend user Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 01/19/2024 28.50 01/31/2024 07:04 AM Normal Actions
649 PMJ Bug Product Display page - Images should be one (Mobile version) Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 01/18/2024 01/30/2024 6.00 01/30/2024 08:41 AM Normal Actions
648 PMJ Bug About us page - realignment - 80,90,100% Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 01/18/2024 01/22/2024 3.00 02/02/2024 09:51 AM Normal Actions
636 PMJ Bug Filter Drop down issue Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 01/13/2024 01/17/2024 4.00 01/18/2024 10:55 AM Normal Actions
635 Cognogent Bug On praising page set to add a two cards put contactus button then link to go to contactus page Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy Resolved 01/10/2024 1.50 01/10/2024 05:56 AM Normal Actions
629 Happi - Store Transfer and Audit Bug If change the stock transfer -master data stock transfer and mode of delivery automatically sale return admin also changed Dinesh G New 01/09/2024 0.00 01/09/2024 05:32 AM Normal Actions
628 Happi - Store Transfer and Audit Bug Stock transfer admin-master data should show "sale return reason" As "stock transfer reasons" Dinesh G New 01/09/2024 0.00 01/09/2024 05:32 AM Normal Actions
626 Cognogent Bug Changed logo size and some minor ui changes Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy Resolved 01/08/2024 4.20 01/10/2024 06:02 AM Normal Actions
625 Happi - Purchase Reports Feature Purchase Reports - Dashboard Vamsi Krishna In Progress 01/05/2024 01/08/2024 22.00 01/10/2024 12:30 PM Normal Actions
613 Happi - Sales Return Feature Admin Apporove For Damaged Products Dinesh G Resolved 01/03/2024 01/04/2024 10.00 01/08/2024 12:15 PM Normal Actions
612 Happi - Sales Return Feature Sales Return App Testing Vidya Bollineni In Progress 01/03/2024 02/07/2024 22.00 02/21/2024 06:15 AM Normal Actions
594 Happi - Store Transfer and Audit Bug IF scan the same IMEI number should show the error message Dinesh G New 12/28/2023 0.00 12/28/2023 09:01 AM Normal Actions
591 Happi - Store Transfer and Audit Bug Scan IMEI number should match -raised product Dinesh G New 12/28/2023 0.00 12/29/2023 05:26 AM Normal Actions
587 Happi - Store Transfer and Audit Feature STN Application Testing Vidya Bollineni In Progress 12/27/2023 01/04/2024 16.00 01/04/2024 11:37 AM Normal Actions
586 CYECOM Feature web socket fetaure Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri In Progress 12/14/2023 03/23/2024 0.00 04/25/2024 11:14 AM Normal Actions
580 Cognogent Support Project Management Support Project Managar In Progress 12/01/2023 5.50 01/02/2024 08:22 AM Normal Actions
577 Cognogent Support Cognogent Meetings - Ravi Nadipinti Ravi Nadipinti In Progress 01/10/2024 01/10/2024 6.80 01/11/2024 07:16 AM Normal Actions
551 Cognogent Support Meetings In Progress 01/10/2024 01/10/2024 7.50 01/11/2024 07:16 AM Normal Actions
544 Cognogent Feature STRIPE API Implementation Analysis Shanmukha M In Progress 12/21/2023 12/26/2023 24.00 12/27/2023 05:29 AM Normal Actions
543 Cognogent Feature Hubspot Analytics API Analysis Shanmukha M In Progress 12/21/2023 12/25/2023 24.00 12/27/2023 05:16 AM Normal Actions
542 Happi - Store Transfer and Audit Feature Delivery Person Image Upload and Validations Aparna Kasi Resolved 12/20/2023 12/20/2023 7.00 12/20/2023 12:23 PM Normal Actions
541 Happi - Sales Return Feature Selected Products Screen - Functionality Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Resolved 12/27/2023 12/28/2023 4.00 12/28/2023 12:19 PM Normal Actions
540 Happi - Sales Return Feature Selected Products Screen - API Dinesh G Resolved 12/23/2023 12/23/2023 4.00 12/26/2023 12:12 PM Normal Actions
539 Happi - Sales Return Feature Selected Products Screen - UI Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Resolved 12/19/2023 12/20/2023 3.00 12/28/2023 12:19 PM Normal Actions
538 Happi - Sales Return Feature Selected Products Screen - Parent Dinesh G Resolved 12/19/2023 12/28/2023 4.00 01/02/2024 11:51 AM Normal Actions
537 Happi - Sales Return Feature List of Products Screen - Functionality Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Resolved 12/22/2023 12/26/2023 2.00 12/26/2023 10:17 AM Normal Actions
536 Happi - Sales Return Feature List of Products Screen - API Dinesh G Resolved 12/23/2023 12/23/2023 7.00 12/26/2023 12:13 PM Normal Actions
535 Happi - Sales Return Feature List of Products Screen - UI Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Resolved 12/19/2023 12/20/2023 2.00 12/26/2023 10:18 AM Normal Actions
534 Happi - Sales Return Feature List of Products Screen - Parent Dinesh G Resolved 12/19/2023 12/26/2023 7.00 01/02/2024 11:52 AM Normal Actions
533 Happi - Sales Return Feature Different Products Screen - Functionality Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Resolved 12/26/2023 12/28/2023 8.00 12/28/2023 12:17 PM Normal Actions
532 Happi - Sales Return Feature Different Products Screen - API Dinesh G Resolved 12/26/2023 12/26/2023 4.00 12/26/2023 12:16 PM Normal Actions
531 Happi - Sales Return Feature Different Products Screen - UI Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Resolved 12/19/2023 12/21/2023 3.00 12/26/2023 10:19 AM Normal Actions
530 Happi - Sales Return Feature Different Products Screen - Parent Dinesh G Resolved 12/19/2023 12/28/2023 6.00 01/03/2024 10:37 AM Normal Actions
529 Happi - Sales Return Feature Admin Page 2 Screen - API Dinesh G Resolved 12/24/2023 12/24/2023 3.00 12/26/2023 12:17 PM Normal Actions
528 Happi - Sales Return Feature Admin Page 2 Screen - UI & Functionality Venkatesh Bandi Resolved 12/24/2023 12/24/2023 5.00 01/04/2024 12:11 PM Normal Actions
527 Happi - Sales Return Feature Delivery Details Screen - Functionality Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Resolved 12/19/2023 01/04/2024 7.00 01/04/2024 12:12 PM Normal Actions
526 Happi - Sales Return Feature Delivery Details Screen - API Dinesh G Resolved 12/26/2023 12/26/2023 9.00 12/26/2023 12:17 PM Normal Actions
525 Happi - Sales Return Feature Delivery Details Screen - UI Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Resolved 01/03/2024 01/03/2024 4.00 01/04/2024 12:12 PM Normal Actions
524 Happi - Sales Return Feature Delivery Details Screen - Parent Dinesh G Resolved 12/19/2023 01/04/2024 0.00 01/03/2024 06:43 AM Normal Actions
523 Happi - Sales Return Feature Packing Screen - Functionality Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Resolved 01/03/2024 01/03/2024 3.00 01/04/2024 12:13 PM Normal Actions
522 Happi - Sales Return Feature Packing Screen - API Dinesh G Resolved 12/27/2023 12/28/2023 4.00 12/28/2023 09:46 AM Normal Actions
521 Happi - Sales Return Feature Packing Screen - UI Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Resolved 01/02/2024 01/02/2024 2.00 01/02/2024 11:55 AM Normal Actions
(951-1000/1063) Per page: 50, 100

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