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# Project Tracker Subject Assignee Status Start date Due date Spent time Updated Priority
879 Happi - Store Transfer and Audit Feature For admin Users - Integrate WebView for Discount Rules Aparna Kasi In Progress 02/05/2024 02/05/2024 3.00 02/27/2024 11:17 AM Normal Actions
878 Happi - Store Transfer and Audit Feature Request received Page - Validations of products and removing duplicates of Products Aparna Kasi Resolved 02/26/2024 7.50 02/28/2024 05:08 PM Normal Actions
877 Happi - Store Transfer and Audit Feature Request received Page -On Approving a req, Scan IMEI of products Aparna Kasi Resolved 02/26/2024 03/04/2024 14.00 03/05/2024 05:20 AM Normal Actions
876 Happi - Store Transfer and Audit Feature Adding Tab bars for Store and Corporate (admin) users. Aparna Kasi Resolved 02/26/2024 02/26/2024 15.00 02/27/2024 05:26 AM Normal Actions
875 CYECHAMP Feature purchase report Pavan Kumar Maddala Resolved 02/23/2024 02/23/2024 7.00 02/26/2024 09:23 AM Normal Actions
870 Cognogent Feature Table alignments in responsive. Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy Resolved 02/16/2024 02/16/2024 2.00 02/26/2024 08:59 AM Normal Actions
855 CYECHAMP Feature employee incentives reports Pavan Kumar Maddala Resolved 02/22/2024 02/23/2024 6.00 02/26/2024 10:51 AM Normal Actions
847 Happi - Store Transfer and Audit Feature Automation of APX for entering IMEI numbers. Hemanth Reddy Gangula In Progress 02/16/2024 17.80 03/26/2024 03:46 PM Normal Actions
837 PMJ Feature PMJ DB Backup Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 02/21/2024 33.00 02/28/2024 07:43 AM Normal Actions
835 Cognogent Bug text over flow issues Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy Resolved 02/21/2024 1.00 02/28/2024 11:43 AM Normal Actions
833 US Orchestral Support Technical Support for configuring the VPN & VNC in Local System. Manikanta Gupta M V In Progress 02/19/2024 13.00 04/29/2024 06:29 PM Normal Actions
829 Happi - Store Transfer and Audit Bug Akshaya patra birthday messages issue Vamsi A Resolved 02/20/2024 7.00 03/12/2024 07:59 AM Normal Actions
828 Happi - Store Transfer and Audit Feature Fetch Store Wise Stock in Salereturn Vamsi A Resolved 02/19/2024 02/19/2024 3.00 02/27/2024 06:59 AM Normal Actions
824 Cognogent Bug In mobile view-UI issues Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy Resolved 02/16/2024 3.50 02/21/2024 04:45 AM Normal Actions
822 Happi - Sales Return Bug code review happi discount rules Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Resolved 02/16/2024 02/16/2024 1.00 02/16/2024 12:27 PM Normal Actions
820 Happi - Sales Return Feature happi metting Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Resolved 02/16/2024 02/16/2024 1.00 02/16/2024 12:19 PM Normal Actions
816 Cognogent Feature Cognogent-testing and bug raising Vidya Bollineni In Progress 02/16/2024 02/16/2024 3.50 02/21/2024 04:44 AM Normal Actions
811 Cognogent Bug Refresh issue-when refresh the page not navigate properly Ravi Nadipinti Resolved 02/16/2024 0.50 03/07/2024 12:31 PM Normal Actions
810 Cognogent Bug contact us page- "please fill in this field" warning tooltip is alignment is getting misplaced while scrolling Ravi Nadipinti New 02/16/2024 0.00 02/16/2024 09:30 AM Normal Actions
809 Cognogent Bug After sign out-click the sign in it getting directly navigate to home page(should navigate to register page) Ravi Nadipinti New 02/16/2024 0.00 02/16/2024 09:20 AM Normal Actions
807 Cognogent Bug Company page-Our team and founders images ui issue Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy In Progress 02/16/2024 3.00 02/21/2024 04:37 AM Normal Actions
801 CYECHAMP Bug Created price sync cron job for cyechamp New 02/08/2024 3.00 02/15/2024 12:14 PM Normal Actions
800 CYECHAMP Feature Convert CSV to JSON from Cyechamp API New 02/15/2024 5.00 02/15/2024 11:58 AM Normal Actions
799 CYECOM Feature Configure the promethus in Cyecom API Server Manikanta Gupta M V Resolved 02/15/2024 5.50 06/07/2024 07:27 PM Normal Actions
798 CYECOM Support Cyecom Mobile Screens Master data Presentation Vamsi Krishna New 02/06/2024 02/06/2024 2.00 04/23/2024 12:26 PM Normal Actions
797 CYECOM Support Cyecom Mobile screen wise Tasks Presentation Vamsi Krishna New 02/06/2024 02/06/2024 2.00 04/23/2024 12:23 PM Normal Actions
796 CYECOM Feature Cyecom Client Support---Google Analytics Vamsi Krishna New 02/07/2024 0.50 06/03/2024 07:02 PM Normal Actions
795 CYECOM Support Cyecom client Support---Explanation of Roles Vamsi Krishna New 02/02/2024 02/02/2024 7.00 04/23/2024 12:25 PM Normal Actions
794 Cognogent Support DevOps & Cloud Support Manikanta Gupta M V In Progress 02/15/2024 56.85 03/26/2024 06:25 AM Normal Actions
790 CYECHAMP Support Support to venkat for CSV upload and download apis of branchTargets Vamsi A Resolved 02/15/2024 02/15/2024 2.00 02/27/2024 07:12 AM Normal Actions
788 PMJ Feature Working on fine tune of the website like screen resolution & others Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 02/15/2024 02/20/2024 0.00 09/25/2024 09:34 PM Normal Actions
786 CYECOM Support Cyecom client Support Vamsi Krishna New 02/14/2024 02/14/2024 1.00 02/14/2024 06:00 AM Normal Actions
785 Cognogent Feature Profile page UI Development and Integration Ravi Nadipinti New 02/09/2024 02/13/2024 11.00 02/14/2024 05:35 AM Normal Actions
784 Cognogent Feature Billing Screen development and Integration Ravi Nadipinti New 02/16/2024 02/16/2024 12.00 02/23/2024 07:02 AM Normal Actions
783 CYECOM Support Cyecom client Support---Creation of Roles Vamsi Krishna New 02/05/2024 02/05/2024 8.00 02/15/2024 10:18 AM Normal Actions
780 Happi - Store Transfer and Audit Support Happi Primary Support Vamsi A Resolved 02/09/2024 02/17/2024 5.00 02/28/2024 11:54 AM Normal Actions
779 CYECHAMP Feature reports past months data saving in mis_reports Vamsi A Resolved 02/09/2024 02/09/2024 8.00 02/15/2024 05:25 AM Normal Actions
778 CYECHAMP Bug upload and download api for category wise incentives Vamsi A Resolved 02/13/2024 02/13/2024 5.00 02/15/2024 05:29 AM Normal Actions
777 CYECHAMP Feature download and upload csv api for branch targets Vamsi A Resolved 02/13/2024 02/13/2024 6.00 02/15/2024 05:30 AM Normal Actions
776 CYECHAMP Feature download API for category wise incentives Pavan Kumar Maddala Resolved 02/13/2024 02/13/2024 3.00 02/26/2024 10:37 AM Normal Actions
774 CYECHAMP Feature download API for branch targets Pavan Kumar Maddala Resolved 02/12/2024 02/12/2024 3.00 02/26/2024 10:44 AM Normal Actions
773 CYECHAMP Bug MIS reports CSV Download apis Vamsi A Resolved 02/13/2024 02/13/2024 3.00 02/27/2024 07:14 AM Normal Actions
754 US Orchestral Support Technical Support Manikanta Gupta M V In Progress 02/09/2024 20.00 04/29/2024 06:34 PM Normal Actions
753 Cognogent Feature Profile setting page Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Resolved 02/08/2024 02/08/2024 1.00 02/08/2024 12:31 PM Normal Actions
752 PMJ Feature Whatsapp button next to Add to cart button. Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 02/08/2024 02/09/2024 5.00 02/12/2024 09:39 AM Normal Actions
748 Cognogent Feature Pricing Page - UI Modifications Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy In Progress 02/07/2024 02/08/2024 4.00 02/09/2024 04:44 AM Normal Actions
743 Happi - Store Transfer and Audit Bug worked on whatsapp template in stock transfer Vamsi A Resolved 02/07/2024 02/08/2024 3.00 02/20/2024 07:11 AM Normal Actions
742 Happi - Store Transfer and Audit Feature modified vendor from happi to ingram , by filtering data Vamsi A Resolved 02/07/2024 02/07/2024 3.00 02/27/2024 06:58 AM Normal Actions
741 Happi - Store Transfer and Audit Feature from store and to store names Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Resolved 02/07/2024 02/07/2024 5.00 02/07/2024 11:50 AM Immediate Actions
740 Happi - Store Transfer and Audit Feature functionality for user offline Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Resolved 02/07/2024 02/11/2024 7.00 02/12/2024 09:09 AM Normal Actions
(851-900/1063) Per page: 50, 100

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