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Hours: 7667.90

Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours Status
Cognogent 03/27/2024 Naveen Bandari Management Support #1196: Meetings with Customer Latest Figma design demo 1.00 New Actions
Happi - Store Transfer and Audit 03/27/2024 Vidya Bollineni Testing Testing #1295: Discount -reports testing Discount -reports testing(now it is showing store wise) 1.00 Closed Actions
Cognogent 03/27/2024 Naveen Bandari Management Support #1197: Meetings with Customer Design discussion with Surekha 1.00 New Actions
Happi - Store Transfer and Audit 03/27/2024 Vidya Bollineni Testing Testing #1294: discount -Access control testing discount -Access control testing (employee management) 2.00 Closed Actions
Happi - Store Transfer and Audit 03/27/2024 Vidya Bollineni Testing Testing #1293: Play store- stock transfer flow testing Play store- stock transfer flow testing with live IMEI numbers 3.00 Closed Actions
Cognogent 03/27/2024 Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy Design Feature #1275: UI for's page. collapsible button alignment. 1.00 Resolved Actions
Cognogent 03/27/2024 Naveen Bandari Design Feature #1290: Figma-UI/UX Enhancement on page. Design Enhancement on 4.00 New Actions
Cognogent 03/27/2024 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Feature #1243: Api Integration for file upload file upload integrated api 2.00 New Actions
Cognogent 03/27/2024 Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy Design Feature #1275: UI for's page. Animation for the first column when it is a collapsible. 2.00 Resolved Actions
Cognogent 03/27/2024 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Feature #1243: Api Integration for file upload code review for file upload functionality 3.00 New Actions
Cognogent 03/27/2024 Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy Development Feature #1275: UI for's page. Adding collapsible first column and adding the button on the button for collapsible. 3.00 Resolved Actions
Cognogent 03/27/2024 Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy Design Feature #1206: UI Design of sidemenu Minor changes in the sidemenu. 2.00 Resolved Actions
Cognogent 03/27/2024 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Feature #1258: Reserach on progress bar count for file upload 3.00 Resolved Actions
Cognogent 03/26/2024 Shanmukha M Development Feature #1243: Api Integration for file upload Guide to develop the file upload with API Intergration 1.00 New Actions
Cognogent 03/26/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Feature #1258: Reserach on progress bar count for file upload Analyzing & given the support to develop the progress bar count for file upload UI development. 1.00 Resolved Actions
Cognogent 03/26/2024 Shanmukha M Development Feature #1275: UI for's page. Analyzing the UI Design for's page 1.00 Resolved Actions
Cognogent 03/26/2024 Shanmukha M Development Feature #1244: UI Librarys Research Guide to develop the UI Library research 1.00 New Actions
Cognogent 03/26/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Testing Bug #694: DevOps Analysis CI/CD Try to running the some code testing by using cypress tool 3.00 In Progress Actions
Cognogent 03/26/2024 Ravi Nadipinti Development Feature #1244: UI Librarys Research researched on library for pie charts 4.00 New Actions
Cognogent 03/26/2024 Ravi Nadipinti Docs Feature #1244: UI Librarys Research research on library 4.00 New Actions
Cognogent 03/26/2024 Naveen Bandari Management Support #1289: Meetings with Customer Meeting with client 0.50 New Actions
CYECOM 03/26/2024 Shanmukha M Development Bug #918: In task-if add the comments on mobile not showing delete symbol Analysis on the issue of comments on mobile not showing delete symbol 0.50 Closed Actions
Cognogent 03/26/2024 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Feature #1244: UI Librarys Research Research on file upload progress bar 3.00 New Actions
Cognogent 03/26/2024 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Feature #1244: UI Librarys Research Research on drag and drop files library 3.00 New Actions
Cognogent 03/26/2024 Shanmukha M Development Support #693: Meetings with Customer General Meeting 0.50 In Progress Actions
Cognogent 03/26/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #693: Meetings with Customer General Meeting 0.50 In Progress Actions
Cognogent 03/26/2024 Ravi Nadipinti Docs Support #692: Meetings with Customer updates and changes on figma design 1.00 New Actions
Happi - Store Transfer and Audit 03/26/2024 Venkatesh Bandi Development Feature #1283: Added approval configuration Added approval configuration update using mangodb query 2.00 Closed Actions
Happi - Store Transfer and Audit 03/26/2024 Hemanth Reddy Gangula Development Feature #847: Automation of APX for entering IMEI numbers. Added code to print the stn record 2.00 In Progress Actions
Happi - Store Transfer and Audit 03/26/2024 Hemanth Reddy Gangula Testing Bug #1277: Stack transfer-APX Live IMEI numbers testing Tested livenumber testing in APX 3.90 New Actions
Happi - Store Transfer and Audit 03/26/2024 Vidya Bollineni Testing Bug #1276: Stack transfer-Live IMEI numbers testing Stack transfer-Live IMEI numbers testing 4.00 Resolved Actions
CYECHAMP 03/26/2024 Pavan Kumar Maddala Development Feature #1241: - modification of purchase report 5.00 In Progress Actions
Cognogent 03/26/2024 Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy Design Feature #1275: UI for's page. creating the third coloumn. 1.00 Resolved Actions
Cognogent 03/26/2024 Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy Design Feature #1275: UI for's page. creating a second coloumn. 2.00 Resolved Actions
Cognogent 03/26/2024 Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy Design Feature #1275: UI for's page. creating a first coloumn design. 3.00 Resolved Actions
Cognogent 03/26/2024 Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy Design Feature #1275: UI for's page. Overall page layout setup. 2.00 Resolved Actions
Happi - Store Transfer and Audit 03/26/2024 Aparna Kasi Development Feature #1270: Make Stock Transfer only visible for store head Stock transfer now accessible only to store head else throws alert message 3.50 Closed Actions
CYECOM 03/26/2024 Vidya Bollineni Testing Bug #1269: bugs are testing bugs are (#930#931#920#918) 1.50 Closed Actions
CYECOM 03/26/2024 Aparna Kasi Development Bug #918: In task-if add the comments on mobile not showing delete symbol delete for created user id is made visible 2.50 Closed Actions
CYECOM 03/26/2024 Aparna Kasi Development Bug #920: In task details checklist-ui issue UI issue for labels is fixed 1.00 Closed Actions
Cognogent 03/26/2024 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Feature #1257: Research on drag and drop files 2.00 Resolved Actions
Cognogent 03/25/2024 Shanmukha M Development Feature #1242: UI Development of File upload screen Analyzing on the UI Development of file upload screen. 1.00 Resolved Actions
Cognogent 03/25/2024 Shanmukha M Development Feature #1256: understanding code flow Given the support to under stand the code flow 0.50 Resolved Actions
Cognogent 03/25/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Design Feature #1242: UI Development of File upload screen Analyzing on the files upload screen 0.50 Resolved Actions
Cognogent 03/25/2024 Shanmukha M Design Feature #1244: UI Librarys Research Analyzing on the UI library research 1.00 New Actions
Cognogent 03/25/2024 Shanmukha M Development Feature #1243: Api Integration for file upload Analyzing the feature of API Integration code. 1.00 New Actions
Cognogent 03/25/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Testing Bug #694: DevOps Analysis CI/CD Analysis the cypress test tool 2.00 In Progress Actions
Cognogent 03/25/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Testing Bug #694: DevOps Analysis CI/CD We are installing the Cypress testing tool on our local machine for testing the code.. 2.00 In Progress Actions
Happi - Store Transfer and Audit 03/25/2024 Aparna Kasi Development Bug #1261: Tab issues when moving back from IMEI scanning on received requests Tabs occupy full screen issue is fixed 2.00 Closed Actions
CYECOM 03/25/2024 Shanmukha M Design Bug #920: In task details checklist-ui issue Analysis on the issue of task check list 0.50 Closed Actions
(2351-2400/3424) Per page: 50, 100

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