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Hours: 100.50

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours Status
07/22/2024 Shanmukha M Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support support on server deployment 0.50 In Progress Actions
07/22/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Given the support on API deployment on client server 1.00 In Progress Actions
07/17/2024 Shanmukha M Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support support on server deployment 0.50 In Progress Actions
07/15/2024 Shanmukha M Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support support on server deployment 0.50 In Progress Actions
07/15/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Given the support on application deployment on client side 1.00 In Progress Actions
07/11/2024 Shanmukha M Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support support on depoyment 0.50 In Progress Actions
07/11/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Given the support on server deployments 1.00 In Progress Actions
07/08/2024 Shanmukha M Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Support on application build on server 0.50 In Progress Actions
07/07/2024 Shanmukha M Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support given the support fixing the issue on application 0.50 In Progress Actions
07/07/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Given the deployment on client side server 1.50 In Progress Actions
07/05/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Given the support on build deployment issues & server side. 1.00 In Progress Actions
07/05/2024 Shanmukha M Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Given the support for build the application 1.00 In Progress Actions
07/01/2024 Shanmukha M Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Support on deployment build on server 0.50 In Progress Actions
07/01/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Given the support on build deployment for production level 1.00 In Progress Actions
06/20/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Given the support on Server side. 1.00 In Progress Actions
06/15/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Given the support on Server side. 1.00 In Progress Actions
06/13/2024 Shanmukha M Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Given the support on Server side issues. 0.50 In Progress Actions
06/13/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Given the support on Server side. 1.00 In Progress Actions
06/11/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Given the support on Server side. 1.00 In Progress Actions
06/08/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Given the support on Server side. 1.00 In Progress Actions
06/07/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Given the support on Server side. 1.00 In Progress Actions
06/06/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Given the support on Server side. 1.00 In Progress Actions
06/04/2024 Shanmukha M Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Given the support on server side issues. 0.50 In Progress Actions
06/03/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Given the support on cloud & CICD pipelines deployments. 1.00 In Progress Actions
06/01/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Given the support on Server side. 1.00 In Progress Actions
05/29/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Setup & run the UI code client side server and discussed some of the changes. 4.00 In Progress Actions
05/28/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Given then support to customer to setup production environment server 2.00 In Progress Actions
05/27/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Given the support on Backend API, Database and any other issues 1.00 In Progress Actions
04/22/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Given the support on Server side. 1.00 In Progress Actions
04/21/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support supported for Backed APIs are working or not & checking the status 1.00 In Progress Actions
04/20/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support supported for Backed APIs are working or not & checking the status 1.00 In Progress Actions
04/20/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Given the support on server side of DB & APIs issue access area. 1.00 In Progress Actions
04/19/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support supported for Backed APIs are working or not & checking the status 1.50 In Progress Actions
04/19/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Given the support on Server side. 1.00 In Progress Actions
04/19/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Given support from server side 1.00 In Progress Actions
04/18/2024 Shanmukha M Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Given the Server setup for backend api 0.75 In Progress Actions
04/18/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Given the support on Server side. 1.00 In Progress Actions
04/17/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Supported on fixing issue on server side. 1.50 In Progress Actions
04/15/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Supported on fixing issue on server side. 1.50 In Progress Actions
04/12/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Supported on fixing issue on server side. 2.00 In Progress Actions
04/11/2024 Shanmukha M Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Given the support on backend api in server side. 0.75 In Progress Actions
04/09/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Support for API issues fixing on server side. 1.00 In Progress Actions
04/05/2024 Manikanta Gupta M V Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Given the support on Backend API issues of server side. 1.00 In Progress Actions
04/04/2024 Shanmukha M Development Support #1253: DevOps & Cloud Support Given the cloud & Development support 0.50 In Progress Actions
(51-94/94) Per page: 50, 100

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