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Hours: 399.15

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours Status
01/28/2025 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Feature #2674: Reseacrh on type script Reseacrh on type script 4.00 Resolved Actions
01/28/2025 Sangeetha K Design Feature #2663: wireframes-product management admin dashboards designed products page grid view filters in figma 0.50 New Actions
01/28/2025 Sangeetha K Design Feature #2663: wireframes-product management admin dashboards designed products page grid view in figma 1.00 New Actions
01/28/2025 Sangeetha K Design Feature #2663: wireframes-product management admin dashboards designed Product Management feild setting drop down in figma 0.50 New Actions
01/28/2025 Sangeetha K Design Feature #2663: wireframes-product management admin dashboards designed filters dropdown fields page in figma 0.50 New Actions
01/28/2025 Sangeetha K Design Feature #2663: wireframes-product management admin dashboards designed product management page in figma 2.00 New Actions
01/28/2025 Sangeetha K Design Feature #2662: wireframes-user management admin dashboards add a cart products on user management history side panel in figma 0.50 New Actions
01/27/2025 Rohan Dasari Development Feature #2633: Develop A New Test SEO Application started developing pmj figma design 4.00 New Actions
01/27/2025 Vamsi Krishna Development Feature #2678: PMJ office visit PMJ office visit 3.00 Resolved Actions
01/27/2025 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Feature #2673: Research on khanboard Research on khanboard 5.00 Resolved Actions
01/27/2025 Sangeetha K Design Feature #2661: wireframes-Appointment Admin Dashboards all side panel pages changes in figma 1.00 New Actions
01/27/2025 Sangeetha K Design Feature #2662: wireframes-user management admin dashboards changes on user management vendor side panel 0.50 New Actions
01/27/2025 Sangeetha K Design Feature #2662: wireframes-user management admin dashboards changes on user management history side panel 0.50 New Actions
01/27/2025 Sangeetha K Design Feature #2662: wireframes-user management admin dashboards changes on user management vendor side panel 1.00 New Actions
01/27/2025 Sangeetha K Design Feature #2662: wireframes-user management admin dashboards changes on user management edit side panel in figma 1.00 New Actions
01/27/2025 Naveen Bandari Development Feature #2659: Discussion: Essential Plugins for Landing Page Discussed with required plugins gathering for the website 0.30 New Actions
01/27/2025 Naveen Bandari Meetings Support #2571: PMJ Client Scrum Meetings - Parent PMJ UX Demonstration wireframe 0.40 New Actions
01/27/2025 Hemanth Reddy Gangula Meetings Support #2655: In office meeting pmj meet about user and appointment wireframes and d2h flow 2.00 New Actions
01/27/2025 Hemanth Reddy Gangula Meetings Support #2572: PMJ Client Scrum Meetings Initial design by f1 studios 0.75 New Actions
01/27/2025 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Feature #2654: PPT on typescript with nextjs PPT on typescript with nextjs 3.00 Resolved Actions
01/27/2025 Pavan Kumar Maddala Management Feature #2594: ER diagram tool research searching for ER diagram tool 1.00 Resolved Actions
01/27/2025 Pavan Kumar Maddala Development Feature #2641: ER diagram for book an appointment er diagram for estimation slip table 4.00 Resolved Actions
01/27/2025 Pavan Kumar Maddala Development Feature #2652: ER diagram for email template - storing html template dynamically 4.00 Resolved Actions
01/27/2025 Project Managar Meetings Support #2574: PMJ Client Scrum Meetings Landing page design walk through 0.50 New Actions
01/24/2025 Rohan Dasari Design Feature #2633: Develop A New Test SEO Application worked on pmj project challenges 4.00 New Actions
01/24/2025 Vamsi Krishna Development Feature #2635: user management Flow chart user management Flow chart 2.00 In Progress Actions
01/24/2025 Pavan Kumar Maddala Development Feature #2680: Research and implemation on next js API's implemented next.js api using typescript 4.00 Resolved Actions
01/24/2025 Sangeetha K Design Feature #2662: wireframes-user management admin dashboards designed user management vendor side panel in figma 1.00 New Actions
01/24/2025 Sangeetha K Design Feature #2662: wireframes-user management admin dashboards designed user management history side panel in figma 2.00 New Actions
01/24/2025 Sangeetha K Design Feature #2662: wireframes-user management admin dashboards designed user management fields setting dropdown in figma 0.50 New Actions
01/24/2025 Sangeetha K Design Feature #2662: wireframes-user management admin dashboards designed users vendor side panel page in figma 0.50 New Actions
01/24/2025 Sangeetha K Design Feature #2662: wireframes-user management admin dashboards designed users edit side panel page in figma 0.50 New Actions
01/24/2025 Sangeetha K Design Feature #2662: wireframes-user management admin dashboards designed users dashboard page in figma 1.50 New Actions
01/24/2025 Hemanth Reddy Gangula Meetings Support #2572: PMJ Client Scrum Meetings scrum call 0.40 New Actions
01/24/2025 Pavan Kumar Maddala Development Feature #2637: User Management, Role Management ER diagrams - implemeted user manage ment 4.00 Resolved Actions
01/24/2025 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Feature #2638: user management flow chart meeting with shanmukh user management flow chart meeting with shanmukh 1.00 Resolved Actions
01/24/2025 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Feature #2636: Scrum meeting about pmj Scrum meeting about pmj 1.00 Resolved Actions
01/24/2025 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Feature #2635: user management Flow chart user management Flow chart 2.00 In Progress Actions
01/24/2025 Project Managar Meetings Support #2574: PMJ Client Scrum Meetings Designs overview 0.50 New Actions
01/23/2025 Hemanth Reddy Gangula Meetings Support #2705: PMJ Meeting on D2H overview. D2H overview 0.47 New Actions
01/23/2025 Rohan Dasari Design Feature #2633: Develop A New Test SEO Application worked on pmj project challenges 4.00 New Actions
01/23/2025 Pavan Kumar Maddala Development Feature #2681: Research and implemation on next js Cypress tool wrote test cases for next js apis 4.00 Resolved Actions
01/23/2025 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Feature #2640: Typescript demo conference room Typescript demo conference room 1.00 Resolved Actions
01/23/2025 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Feature #2639: form fields validation R&D form fields validation R&D 2.00 Resolved Actions
01/23/2025 Project Managar Meetings Support #2574: PMJ Client Scrum Meetings Website designs 0.50 New Actions
01/22/2025 Rohan Dasari Design Feature #2633: Develop A New Test SEO Application worked on pmj project challenges 4.00 New Actions
01/22/2025 Sangeetha K Design Feature #2661: wireframes-Appointment Admin Dashboards all admin side panel pages changes 1.00 New Actions
01/22/2025 Sangeetha K Design Feature #2661: wireframes-Appointment Admin Dashboards side menu changes on appointment admin weekly event dashboard in figma 0.50 New Actions
01/22/2025 Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Development Feature #2644: R&D typescript R&D typescript 3.00 Resolved Actions
01/22/2025 Hemanth Reddy Gangula Meetings Support #2572: PMJ Client Scrum Meetings presentation Wireframes of USA website by F1 0.75 New Actions
(101-150/217) Per page: 50, 100

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