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# Project Tracker Subject Assignee Status Start date Due date Spent time Updated Priority
1535 PMJ Feature remove validation for message in book an appointment page. Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 05/02/2024 0.40 05/06/2024 01:09 PM Normal Actions
1534 PMJ Feature pass the UTM parameters for every page in website Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 05/02/2024 9.90 05/23/2024 03:46 PM Normal Actions
1533 PMJ Feature Hide the price breakdown calculation in USA page. Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 05/03/2024 2.70 05/03/2024 06:03 PM Normal Actions
1531 CYECOM Support In the logs there is no record about who has done force task closed(Mobile) Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri In Progress 05/03/2024 0.00 06/03/2024 11:49 AM Normal Actions
1530 CYECOM Bug Post closer also the task can be edited see in check list(Mobile) Ravi Nadipinti Feedback 05/03/2024 06/03/2024 2.50 06/06/2024 05:56 PM High Actions
1529 CYECOM Support The task is assigned to the team and in the team any one can force stop which doesn't show who has force stopped, once it's done the task reflects in closed. Which should not be its team task Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Resolved 05/03/2024 0.00 05/22/2024 04:38 PM Normal Actions
1527 PMJ Feature Remove Message validation for appointment page. Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 05/02/2024 0.00 09/25/2024 09:23 PM Normal Actions
1526 PMJ Feature Add the UTM parameters throughout the website. Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 05/02/2024 0.00 11/08/2024 04:49 PM Normal Actions
1525 PMJ Feature replace the req. elements in the mail template body in code. Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 05/02/2024 1.40 07/19/2024 02:35 PM Normal Actions
1524 PMJ Support Meet with the pmj marketing team reg. UTM parameters. Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 05/03/2024 0.50 07/26/2024 02:07 PM Normal Actions
1523 PMJ Support meet with Kishore on how to add body in mail template. Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 05/02/2024 0.30 07/26/2024 02:08 PM Normal Actions
1522 PMJ Bug Adjusting the resolution for website in mac size screen Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy Resolved 05/01/2024 4.10 09/25/2024 09:32 PM Normal Actions
1521 US Orchestral Support Deploy New licensed server for production level Manikanta Gupta M V In Progress 05/01/2024 4.50 05/01/2024 09:55 AM Normal Actions
1520 PMJ Feature Add USA category in category filter Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 04/27/2024 8.60 04/27/2024 07:40 PM Normal Actions
1519 PMJ Feature Add "category" filter in product page Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 04/26/2024 12.50 04/27/2024 07:37 PM Normal Actions
1517 Cognogent Bug fix bugs in frontend application Ravi Nadipinti In Progress 04/24/2024 04/26/2024 5.00 06/07/2024 06:49 PM Normal Actions
1516 Cognogent Feature Shift Edit Session name and Delete Session Globally in dashboard Ravi Nadipinti Resolved 04/19/2024 04/22/2024 9.50 04/26/2024 05:59 PM Normal Actions
1515 Cognogent Feature Make Sessions Globally in Dashboard Ravi Nadipinti Resolved 04/18/2024 04/23/2024 9.00 04/26/2024 05:59 PM Normal Actions
1513 Cognogent Testing test cases for dashboard checklist compliance Vidya Bollineni Resolved 04/22/2024 04/22/2024 3.50 04/26/2024 03:55 PM Normal Actions
1512 Cognogent Feature dashboard breadcurmb as per client wants to align the starting. Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy Resolved 04/24/2024 7.50 05/16/2024 03:27 PM Normal Actions
1511 Cognogent Support Meetings with Client Naveen Bandari New 04/25/2024 04/25/2024 2.60 04/26/2024 01:08 PM Normal Actions
1510 Cognogent Bug Meetings with Client New 04/24/2024 04/24/2024 0.45 04/26/2024 01:05 PM Normal Actions
1509 Cognogent Feature Figma-UI/UX Enhancement on page. Naveen Bandari New 02/28/2024 03/28/2024 1.00 04/26/2024 01:02 PM Normal Actions
1507 Cognogent Bug The Recent tab in the file upload section is not displaying uploaded files. Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri New 04/26/2024 04/26/2024 3.75 04/26/2024 12:59 PM Normal Actions
1504 US Orchestral Feature Operation details UI as per History UI Rakesh D In Progress 04/25/2024 4.75 05/01/2024 11:14 PM Normal Actions
1503 US Orchestral Feature UI change Request from Client Rakesh D In Progress 04/25/2024 30.75 05/01/2024 11:06 PM Normal Actions
1501 US Orchestral Feature operations detail API Integration Rakesh D In Progress 04/25/2024 2.75 05/01/2024 11:14 PM Normal Actions
1500 US Orchestral Feature Operations & Operation details UI changes Rakesh D In Progress 04/25/2024 4.75 05/01/2024 11:13 PM Normal Actions
1499 US Orchestral Feature Operations API Integration Rakesh D In Progress 04/25/2024 4.75 05/01/2024 11:12 PM Normal Actions
1498 US Orchestral Feature Netops update Modal popup Rakesh D In Progress 04/25/2024 5.05 05/01/2024 11:12 PM Normal Actions
1496 US Orchestral Feature API Integration Rakesh D In Progress 04/25/2024 4.85 05/01/2024 11:09 PM Normal Actions
1494 US Orchestral Bug Cors issue fixes in api.js file Rakesh D Resolved 04/25/2024 7.00 05/01/2024 11:04 PM Normal Actions
1493 US Orchestral Bug CORS issue in UI Rakesh D Resolved 04/25/2024 15.50 05/01/2024 11:03 PM Normal Actions
1486 US Orchestral Support Meeting with Customer Manikanta Gupta M V In Progress 04/24/2024 43.00 04/24/2024 10:45 AM Normal Actions
1478 PMJ Support Research on UTM Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 04/23/2024 1.00 04/27/2024 07:32 PM Normal Actions
1477 Cognogent Feature fix this issue in radio initial radio border color. Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy Resolved 04/23/2024 2.50 05/16/2024 03:27 PM Normal Actions
1476 PMJ Support call with kishore regarding smtp mail Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 04/22/2024 0.50 04/22/2024 11:20 AM Normal Actions
1475 PMJ Feature Appointments - sending mails to the customers after booing an appointment. Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 04/18/2024 34.70 04/27/2024 07:33 PM Normal Actions
1474 PMJ Support About UA tracer tag in the website. Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 04/20/2024 1.60 04/20/2024 06:07 PM Normal Actions
1470 Cognogent Bug reload issue Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri New 04/18/2024 5.75 04/26/2024 12:47 PM Normal Actions
1469 Cognogent Bug active tab issue Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri New 04/18/2024 3.75 04/18/2024 11:37 AM Normal Actions
1468 Cognogent Bug login issue when reloading pages Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Resolved 04/18/2024 04/18/2024 7.00 04/18/2024 11:36 AM Normal Actions
1464 PMJ Support Meeting with prem regarding appointment page resolution. Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 04/18/2024 0.50 04/22/2024 11:16 AM Normal Actions
1460 PMJ Feature Add the products column to the appointments page to get the products from which page the appointment is booked Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 04/16/2024 5.00 04/18/2024 04:50 AM Normal Actions
1455 PMJ Feature UI to dropdown and phone field. Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy Resolved 04/16/2024 1.50 04/16/2024 06:58 AM Normal Actions
1454 PMJ Feature Add country code dropdown to phone number in book an appointment and add column in appointment data(in odoo backend) Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 04/16/2024 12.50 04/16/2024 10:37 AM Normal Actions
1447 PMJ Bug Book an Appointment page is not displaying in medium resolution Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 04/13/2024 4.00 05/03/2024 11:10 AM Normal Actions
1446 PMJ Bug change the logo of PMJ Resolved 04/13/2024 1.00 04/15/2024 06:12 AM Normal Actions
1442 PMJ Feature studying the code of clickpost integration. Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 04/01/2024 14.80 04/16/2024 11:35 AM Normal Actions
1441 PMJ Support meeting with prem on local installation Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 04/03/2024 2.00 04/22/2024 11:16 AM Normal Actions
(651-700/1049) Per page: 50, 100

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