




Apply Clear

# Project Tracker Subject Assignee Status Start date Due date Spent time Updated Priority
1803 Cognogent Feature In Dashboard - Spider Graph View In FIGMA Mockup Naveen Bandari Resolved 06/12/2024 2.50 06/28/2024 12:15 PM Normal Actions
1802 CYECHAMP Feature cyechamp work flow Pavan Kumar Maddala Resolved 06/17/2024 4.00 06/17/2024 05:48 PM Normal Actions
1797 CYECOM Bug need pull to refresh for task details page. it take more time to load (mobile) Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri New 06/14/2024 0.00 06/17/2024 11:33 AM Low Actions
1796 US Orchestral Feature Configuration file Access Rakesh D New 06/10/2024 10.00 06/13/2024 08:11 PM High Actions
1794 Cognogent Support Scrum call Vamsi Krishna Resolved 06/13/2024 0.50 06/13/2024 03:41 PM Normal Actions
1793 Cognogent Support Scrum call Vamsi Krishna Resolved 06/13/2024 0.50 06/13/2024 03:41 PM Normal Actions
1790 CYECOM Bug Need notifications for task reject ,approve and force approval Vamsi A Resolved 06/12/2024 06/18/2024 3.00 06/28/2024 03:34 PM Low Actions
1788 CYECOM Support In task details page-select Assignees teams, departments ,locations tabs are not showing (mobile) Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri New 06/12/2024 0.00 06/17/2024 11:35 AM Low Actions
1780 CYECOM Bug Approvals Displaying wrong while selecting self and rejecting task and re changing it to in - review .in mobile and web Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Resolved 06/12/2024 0.00 06/13/2024 11:25 AM Normal Actions
1779 CYECOM Bug Assignee should visible Force close button despite of the level in both series and parallel Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Resolved 06/12/2024 1.00 06/13/2024 05:42 PM Normal Actions
1776 CYECOM Bug force close Approvals -need tool tip(web) Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy Resolved 06/12/2024 06/17/2024 2.00 07/12/2024 10:35 AM Normal Actions
1775 CYECOM Bug In force close-after approval assignees are showing duplicates(web) Vamsi A Resolved 06/12/2024 4.00 06/28/2024 03:58 PM Normal Actions
1774 CYECOM Bug cyecom application in mobile first showing no data image after showing data(mobile) Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Resolved 06/12/2024 3.00 06/17/2024 11:13 AM Normal Actions
1768 CYECOM Bug Showing Self Approval in Web Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Resolved 06/12/2024 1.00 06/17/2024 11:13 AM Normal Actions
1765 CYECOM Bug Due date should be greater than 1hr in task details as per web Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri In Progress 06/12/2024 06/17/2024 0.00 07/04/2024 11:25 AM Normal Actions
1764 CYECOM Bug Sometimes when swapping the tabs on task detail page the app suddenly closed Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri New 06/12/2024 0.00 06/25/2024 02:33 PM Low Actions
1763 CYECOM Bug Clicking outside popup should close the popup and clicking on back button pop up should close-mobile Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri New 06/12/2024 0.00 07/10/2024 12:14 PM Normal Actions
1757 CYECOM Feature Getting all assignees in assignee list on Task creation(mobile) Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri New 06/11/2024 06/14/2024 0.00 06/17/2024 11:42 AM Normal Actions
1756 CYECOM Support Notifications are not getting some mobiles(mobile) Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri New 06/11/2024 0.00 06/12/2024 01:01 PM Normal Actions
1755 CYECOM Bug Notification not getting properly Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Resolved 06/11/2024 1.00 06/13/2024 05:41 PM Normal Actions
1754 CYECOM Bug popup covering the entire time. Scrolling issue in task details(mobile) Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri In Progress 06/11/2024 1.00 06/13/2024 11:05 AM Normal Actions
1751 CYECOM Bug In reports -Export CSV is not working(mobile) Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Resolved 06/11/2024 1.00 06/12/2024 06:14 PM Normal Actions
1746 Cognogent Feature API Integration for win theme Ravi Nadipinti In Progress 06/04/2024 15.00 06/11/2024 12:34 PM Normal Actions
1737 CYECOM Bug In swap organization-old notifications are showing(mobile) Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Resolved 06/11/2024 1.00 06/13/2024 05:44 PM Normal Actions
1723 CYECOM Bug Updating of Draft task is not getting reflected until page is being reloaded in web Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Resolved 06/10/2024 1.00 06/12/2024 06:11 PM Normal Actions
1721 CYECOM Bug In assigned user card don't showcase check box until force close toggle is on.(Web) Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy New 07/04/2024 3.00 07/04/2024 02:15 PM Normal Actions
1718 CYECOM Bug Edit Task Description- given spaces are not the showing in description (mobile) Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri New 06/10/2024 0.00 06/17/2024 11:49 AM Low Actions
1713 Cognogent Feature API integration for Research Agent based on Ravi Nadipinti In Progress 06/05/2024 22.00 06/11/2024 12:30 PM Normal Actions
1709 Cognogent Feature In Dashboard - Template/Draft Tile Design with detailed flow Mockup Naveen Bandari In Progress 06/03/2024 11.30 06/07/2024 01:20 PM High Actions
1708 Cognogent Support Scrum call Naveen Bandari In Progress 06/03/2024 2.25 06/28/2024 12:08 PM Normal Actions
1702 CYECHAMP Bug - not able to send purchase report. Pavan Kumar Maddala Resolved 06/06/2024 1.00 06/06/2024 11:32 AM Normal Actions
1701 Cognogent Support Scrum call Vidya Bollineni Resolved 06/05/2024 06/05/2024 0.50 06/07/2024 11:25 AM Normal Actions
1700 Cognogent Testing Bug raised in jira tool Vidya Bollineni Resolved 06/05/2024 06/05/2024 1.50 06/05/2024 04:32 PM Normal Actions
1699 Cognogent Feature UI Development for Story Board tile Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy In Progress 06/05/2024 06/06/2024 20.00 06/07/2024 06:49 PM Normal Actions
1698 Cognogent Testing To Write Test Cases for win theme tile Vidya Bollineni Resolved 06/03/2024 06/07/2024 2.00 06/07/2024 10:53 AM Normal Actions
1695 Cognogent Support Scrum call Vidya Bollineni Resolved 06/04/2024 06/04/2024 1.00 06/05/2024 03:16 PM Normal Actions
1686 Cognogent Feature Design of Skeleton Loader In Dashboard Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy Resolved 06/03/2024 06/03/2024 10.00 06/07/2024 06:51 PM Normal Actions
1684 CYECHAMP Feature - profit amount as zero for netprice less than 90 Pavan Kumar Maddala Resolved 05/31/2024 2.00 05/31/2024 01:24 PM Normal Actions
1683 CYECHAMP Support - not getting data for employee HM1914 Pavan Kumar Maddala Resolved 05/31/2024 1.00 05/31/2024 01:21 PM Normal Actions
1680 CYECOM Feature Users Ranking number issue need to show same rank for the users who got same points(CR) Vamsi A New 05/30/2024 05/31/2024 0.10 08/26/2024 05:17 PM Normal Actions
1679 CYECOM Bug Not getting push notifications and in-app notifications (Mobile&Web) Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Resolved 05/30/2024 05/31/2024 3.10 06/06/2024 11:58 PM Normal Actions
1675 CYECOM Bug Password is not showing when a user is added in Mobile App Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Feedback 05/29/2024 3.00 06/07/2024 05:19 PM Urgent Actions
1674 CYECOM Feature Reason to be displayed in Mobile while Rejecting the task Ravi Nadipinti In Progress 05/29/2024 06/03/2024 0.50 06/03/2024 03:38 PM Urgent Actions
1673 CYECOM Bug Task is Not getting Deleted Ravi Nadipinti Feedback 05/29/2024 06/03/2024 0.20 06/06/2024 05:48 PM High Actions
1670 Cognogent Support Create elastic search in docker enabled APM Manikanta Gupta M V Resolved 05/09/2024 4.00 08/30/2024 05:25 PM Normal Actions
1668 CYECOM Bug Delete user getting error like he is assigned to a task but the task is closed Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri In Progress 05/28/2024 06/07/2024 1.10 06/07/2024 10:46 AM Normal Actions
1663 CYECOM Bug required search option in update user reporting managers dropdown(MOBILE) Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Feedback 05/28/2024 3.00 06/06/2024 11:59 PM Normal Actions
1658 CYECHAMP Support - syncing current month data in transaction table. Pavan Kumar Maddala Resolved 05/28/2024 5.00 06/03/2024 03:58 PM Normal Actions
1656 US Orchestral Feature Sorting for operations Time, op type, op name & operation Id column Rakesh D New 05/27/2024 20.00 06/06/2024 10:36 PM Normal Actions
1649 CYECHAMP Support apche AIR flow Pavan Kumar Maddala Resolved 05/27/2024 1.00 05/27/2024 05:39 PM Normal Actions
(551-600/1063) Per page: 50, 100

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