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# Project Tracker Subject Assignee Status Start date Due date Spent time Updated Priority
1993 CYECHAMP Feature Happi Bharosa QT Development Vamsi Krishna New 07/08/2024 07/08/2024 4.00 07/24/2024 04:32 PM Normal Actions
1990 American Electric Fuel (AEF)- Website Feature American Electric Fuel Logo Mockups Naveen Bandari New 07/24/2024 24.38 07/24/2024 11:56 AM High Actions
1989 Cognogent Bug Inconsistent User Login Credentials Between RFXAI Site and Create Compelling Business Proposals with AI | Cognogent Ravi Nadipinti Resolved 07/17/2024 07/23/2024 12.00 07/30/2024 03:41 PM Normal Actions
1988 Cognogent Bug To fix onclick issue on backtoDashboard button in complience checklist Ravi Nadipinti New 07/17/2024 07/23/2024 2.00 07/22/2024 06:02 PM Normal Actions
1987 Cognogent Bug Issue with Navigation to Profile Settings Page on RFXAI Site Ravi Nadipinti New 07/17/2024 07/23/2024 2.00 07/22/2024 05:58 PM Normal Actions
1986 Cognogent Bug Review the frontend code for the dashboard page and implement a component-based architecture to optimize API calls and simplify future refactoring. This change will facilitate adding new tiles to the page and enhance maintainability. Ravi Nadipinti New 07/17/2024 07/23/2024 16.00 07/22/2024 05:50 PM Normal Actions
1985 Cognogent Bug Address the minor re-rendering bug on the file upload page that occurs when switching sessions right after uploading a file. Ensure the page re-renders correctly to provide a smooth user experience. Ravi Nadipinti New 07/17/2024 07/23/2024 2.00 07/22/2024 05:48 PM Normal Actions
1984 CYECHAMP Feature - developed user sync flow using n8n. Pavan Kumar Maddala Resolved 07/22/2024 2.00 07/22/2024 03:54 PM Normal Actions
1983 CYECHAMP Feature - Developed item sync flow using n8n. Pavan Kumar Maddala Resolved 07/22/2024 2.00 07/22/2024 03:53 PM Normal Actions
1973 PMJ Feature New book an appointment (virtual appointment) button in the header and popup. Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 07/19/2024 6.50 09/25/2024 09:35 PM Normal Actions
1972 PMJ Feature Save the UTM params from book an appointment page Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 07/19/2024 1.60 09/25/2024 09:35 PM Normal Actions
1971 PMJ Feature New Book an Appointment page (virtual appointment) Hemanth Reddy Gangula Resolved 07/18/2024 18.50 09/25/2024 09:35 PM Normal Actions
1970 CYECOM Bug In Announcement Read more read less functionality issue Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy New 07/19/2024 0.00 08/26/2024 02:22 PM Normal Actions
1969 CYECOM Bug Email Title & Email address Vamsi A Resolved 07/19/2024 5.00 07/30/2024 02:21 PM Normal Actions
1968 CYECOM Bug Unsubscribe here Click is not working Vamsi A New 07/19/2024 0.00 08/26/2024 02:30 PM Normal Actions
1967 CYECHAMP Feature - sale transaction work flow using n8n Pavan Kumar Maddala Resolved 07/18/2024 7.00 07/19/2024 04:46 PM Normal Actions
1965 Cognogent Testing Guidance draft file testing in story board Vidya Bollineni Resolved 07/18/2024 2.00 07/30/2024 10:48 AM Normal Actions
1964 Cognogent Testing product backlogs -Testing Vidya Bollineni Resolved 07/18/2024 7.00 07/24/2024 02:12 PM Normal Actions
1963 Cognogent Testing scrum meeting Vidya Bollineni Resolved 07/18/2024 0.50 07/24/2024 02:11 PM Normal Actions
1962 CYECOM Bug Task name is not Editing in web Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri Resolved 07/17/2024 1.00 08/27/2024 10:50 AM Normal Actions
1960 CYECOM Bug Not showing "Created By" in Task Detail Page(web) Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri New 07/17/2024 0.00 07/17/2024 02:48 PM Normal Actions
1959 CYECOM Bug Filters UI issue in mobile Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy New 07/17/2024 2.00 07/17/2024 10:56 AM Normal Actions
1958 CYECOM Bug In tasks tab-assignees images alignment issue in mobile Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy Resolved 07/17/2024 1.00 07/17/2024 02:51 PM Normal Actions
1957 CYECOM Bug In sub task-select assignee next button color and ui issue in mobile Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy New 07/17/2024 0.30 07/17/2024 10:41 AM Normal Actions
1956 CYECOM Bug Created task-priority flag ui issue in web Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy New 07/17/2024 0.00 07/17/2024 10:39 AM Normal Actions
1951 US Orchestral Feature Module exclusion logic modification and testing Rakesh D New 07/07/2024 7.00 07/15/2024 11:24 PM Normal Actions
1947 Cognogent Bug Empty Checklist Display: If there are 0 items for a category in the compliance checklist, do not display it in main overview page or create a bar for it. Ravi Nadipinti New 07/10/2024 07/17/2024 4.00 07/15/2024 05:52 PM Normal Actions
1946 Cognogent Bug Win theme not displaying positive alignment and negative alignment in the main overview page Ravi Nadipinti New 07/10/2024 07/17/2024 2.00 07/15/2024 05:49 PM Normal Actions
1945 Cognogent Bug X-Axis Scale: Fix the x-axis scale in the Win Theme to avoid decimals. Ravi Nadipinti New 07/10/2024 07/17/2024 2.00 07/15/2024 05:45 PM Normal Actions
1944 Happi - Store Transfer and Audit Support STN automation branches list . Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy New 07/15/2024 3.00 07/15/2024 05:44 PM Normal Actions
1943 Cognogent Bug Alignment Issues: Correct alignment issues with tiles. Ravi Nadipinti New 07/10/2024 07/17/2024 2.00 07/15/2024 05:43 PM Normal Actions
1942 Cognogent Bug Automatic Display: Ensure storyboard automatically displays documents after a POST request. After a post request is done, the PDF is not displayed, it is only displayed after going back to the dashboard and pressing guidance draft button. Ravi Nadipinti New 07/10/2024 07/17/2024 2.00 07/15/2024 05:41 PM Normal Actions
1941 Cognogent Bug Document Downloads: Resolve issue with storyboard randomly downloading documents when tile is clicked Ravi Nadipinti New 07/10/2024 07/17/2024 4.00 07/15/2024 05:34 PM Normal Actions
1940 Cognogent Bug Fix the issue where the company profile is not showing up in Create Compelling Business Proposals with AI | Cognogent . Might have to update the image for this. Ravi Nadipinti New 07/10/2024 07/17/2024 2.00 07/15/2024 05:32 PM Normal Actions
1939 Cognogent Bug Hide Basic Subscription: Hide the Basic Subscription option on; only display the Enterprise option. Ravi Nadipinti New 07/10/2024 07/17/2024 1.00 07/15/2024 05:31 PM Normal Actions
1934 Cognogent Bug Loading Indicator: Add a loading indicator for sessions while tiles are being generated on the session tab. Ravi Nadipinti New 07/10/2024 07/16/2024 8.00 07/15/2024 04:40 PM Normal Actions
1932 Cognogent Bug Need better loading indicator for the tiles while data is being fetched. Something like guidance draft Ravi Nadipinti New 07/10/2024 07/10/2024 2.00 07/15/2024 04:37 PM Normal Actions
1924 CYECOM Bug In Task details page-Approve button alignment issue(mobile) Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy Resolved 07/12/2024 2.00 07/15/2024 05:56 PM Normal Actions
1923 Cognogent Bug in dashboard compalichecklist and win theme three dots button remove from that tails. Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy Resolved 07/11/2024 1.00 07/15/2024 05:16 PM Normal Actions
1922 Cognogent Bug In dashboard compaliancechecklist and win theme page fix the back button is to fixed at the top left position. Konala Hemanth Santosh Venkata Reddy Resolved 07/11/2024 1.00 07/15/2024 05:16 PM Normal Actions
1918 CYECHAMP Feature pending invoice work flow using n8n Pavan Kumar Maddala Resolved 07/11/2024 3.00 07/11/2024 06:04 PM Normal Actions
1917 CYECHAMP Feature Happi Fuel: TV [Acer and Sansui>43'] Pavan Kumar Maddala Resolved 07/11/2024 2.00 07/11/2024 06:04 PM Normal Actions
1916 CYECHAMP Feature Happi Fuel: TV [Acer and Sansui>43'] Vamsi Krishna New 07/11/2024 0.00 07/11/2024 05:59 PM Normal Actions
1915 CYECOM Bug Announcement delete functionality is not working Vamsi A New 07/11/2024 0.00 08/26/2024 02:27 PM Normal Actions
1914 US Orchestral Feature Code clean up Rakesh D New 07/06/2024 5.00 07/11/2024 09:47 AM Normal Actions
1913 US Orchestral Bug Get License Info New URL integration Rakesh D New 07/07/2024 7.00 07/11/2024 09:34 AM Normal Actions
1912 US Orchestral Feature Dist file generation Rakesh D New 07/04/2024 3.00 07/11/2024 09:03 AM Normal Actions
1911 CYECHAMP Feature spot models incentive calculation using n8n. Pavan Kumar Maddala Resolved 07/10/2024 2.00 07/10/2024 04:55 PM Normal Actions
1908 CYECHAMP Feature - developed transaction resync API. Pavan Kumar Maddala Resolved 07/10/2024 3.00 07/10/2024 12:58 PM Normal Actions
1907 CYECOM Bug sub task showing twice -mobile Sai Durga Narendra Chilukuri In Progress 07/10/2024 0.00 08/26/2024 02:42 PM Normal Actions
(451-500/1063) Per page: 50, 100

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